What Time Does Preseason Start League Of Legends?

Preseason is between competitive seasons in League of Legends (LoL). It typically starts in early November and ends in late January. During this time, players can experiment with new champions, items, and strategies. The preseason also introduces significant changes to the game, such as new map features or game modes.

The preseason lasts for eight weeks before another season starts. In the history of League of Legends, durations for each season varied, with some ranging from 406 days (season 1) to 296 days (season 6). Over the years, Riot eventually decided on a fixed timeframe for a season. 

At present, seasons in LoL usually begin in January and end in November of the same year. The year 2022 welcomed the 12th Season of the League of Legends, and it officially ended on November 14. Preseason 2022 was available on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) for four weeks. 

How Long Is A Season In LoL?

League of Legends, Season 12 (Credit: Esports)

Seasons in the League of Legends may last from 300 to 500 days and usually begins in January and ends in November of the same year. The start and end dates of each League of Legends season can be found on the Season Start page on the game’s official website.

During the start of the season, the player’s ranks are reset and will be ranked again. Because of this, players do not need to maintain their ranks during the preseason since they will drop as soon as the new season is introduced.

The year 2022 welcomed the 12th Season of LoL. It kickstarted last January 7 with a live stream from Riot Games and ended on November 14. Currently, League players are in the middle of the Preseason 2023. During this time, new players learn the game and what the meta is, as well as the mechanics of participating in team competitions. 

When Does Preseason Start?

The preseason for League of Legends typically starts in the early part of November and lasts until the start of the new season the next year. During this time, players can get a feel for the new champions, items, and gameplay changes coming to the game in the new year. The preseason is also a great time to try out new strategies and to see how the game will be changing in the upcoming season.

For example, Preseason 2022 allowed players to try the redesigned system, Runes Reforged. It also briefly introduced a plethora of new content made available during the 12th Season. Additionally, a new champion, Xayah, was introduced to the game this upcoming season.

Preseason 2023: The State of the Jungle (Credit: Riot Games, League of Legends)

Preseason 2023 started just this November 2016. The updates for League of Legends Preseason 2023 include patch notes and new jungle features.

Here, small animals that stay with the players in the jungle will keep them company and help them out. As a result, players will gain access to more abilities and buffs while playing the game, allowing them to become the jungler. Furthermore, teams who want to improve the communication methods used by junglers may take advantage of the preseason.

What Happens After the Preseason?

After the preseason, League players will welcome a new season to the game. During this time, they can now play competitively and rank climb again. Rank rewards such as borders emote, and chromas will also be available for players to pursue.