Social media has been evolving continuously. For instance, today, there is space for everyone, including kids. Some developers have created applications and features that may be suitable and beneficial for these young users. And after all, they can utilize the internet to have fun and learn things apart from the lessons they are taught in school.

However, with the popularity of social media, there’s also a rise in the need to monitor your child’s digital activities, as not everything on the internet can be safe for kids. 

That said, here are some tips you can consider for monitoring your children’s social media use:          

  1. Stay Close To Them 

Ideally, a parent or any adult or guardian should be close by whenever children use the internet. Through this, you can guide them along the way and explain what they see on the screen. Moreover, you can conveniently answer any questions that they might have. 

This is considered essential as you also need to observe how they act when in front of the screen and who they usually interact with when they’re online. That way, you’ll be more or less able to assess if the application your kids are using is a fit and appropriate for them.

However, there are instances wherein you may not be present or with them during their screen time. This is especially true as your kid grows up and looks for more privacy. And as a parent, it can be a bit challenging to give them space and privacy while ensuring they’re safe online. Fortunately, various monitoring software and apps such as Facebook spy and others can allow you to track and monitor their online activities.                                                 

  1. Restrict The Social Media Platforms They’re Using

Most social media platforms have an age requirement before being allowed to create an account. This can help you assess and decide on whether the app is suitable for your kid and if they will benefit from joining such a site. 

From there, sit down with your kids and talk to them. You can explain why you aren’t allowing them to join such platforms. Or, should you be allowing them to install and sign up, define the rules of their usage. This includes accepting friend requests or posting statuses that may give away too much information that could compromise their privacy and safety. 

  1. Enable Privacy Settings On Their Gadgets

Most gadgets today- personal computers, mobile phones, or tablets have pre-installed parental controls, and you can use this to track and monitor your kids’ online activities. For instance, the range of parental controls for devices includes setting a screen time for gadget use, restricting the kind of visual and audio content or online games they can access on the internet, and limiting the installation of apps.

Most internet browsers also have parental control features that can block inappropriate sites. You can use these tools. And in some cases, you can always browse the history tab to check the previous online activities your kids were up to. 

  1. Talk To Them

Perhaps one straightforward way to effectively monitor and track your kid’s social media activities is by talking to them. Communicating with them about the ins and outs of the internet can enlighten and educate them about the good and bad sides of the digital world. It can also be a way to help build trust between you and your kids. 

Try to create a welcoming and friendly space so they’ll be encouraged to talk. You can do this by asking them what websites, applications, online games, or social media platforms they usually visit during their screen time. And from there, you can know and assess if those sites are suitable and beneficial for them.

  1. Limit Their Screen Time 

Young kids should also be aware of the right balance when using electronic gadgets and social media. To do this, you can set up ground rules.

For instance, you and your kids can come to an agreement about screen time or the maximum hours they’re allowed to be on their phones, let alone on social media platforms. Can they be online during the weekdays, or will you only allow the use of gadgets during weekends? And when deciding, you can also consider how social media can easily distract young people, preventing them from focusing on school tasks. You can then set a time limit per day.

Doing so can enable you to monitor your kid’s digital activities. And perhaps, should they need to extend their hours, they can always ask permission from you. That way, you have control over how much time they spend online.

Wrapping Up

Social media has its own way of drawing people in. And one way or another, your kids will be curious about it. And with the list above, hopefully, you can be guided on how to manage your kid’s social media activities and use. Furthermore, you can make adjustments according to your parenting style.