Author page: Novak

The Rise Of College League Of Legends

Since its inception in 2009, the game League of Legends has taken the world by storm. What started as a simple game has now become a global phenomenon, with professional leagues and tournaments being held all over the world. It should come as no surprise then that many colleges have their own League of Legends teams. Starting with North America,…

PC Gaming How It Has Changed Over The Years

PC Gaming: How It Has Changed Over The Years

Gaming on your computer nowadays seems like a given, especially with the popularity of massively multiplayer online roleplaying games and online experiences like World of Warcraft and League of Legends. Despite its current state, not long-ago PC gaming was very different, and the genre popularities weren’t exactly the same. Through the years we’ve seen many games and gameplay styles flourish…

The Oldest Champions In League Of Legends

The oldest champion in League of Legends is actually a tie between two champions: Cho’Gath and Maokai. Both of these champions were released in 2009, and they are currently the only two champions who are over 10 years old. Cho’Gath is a massive, Lovecraftian creature who feast on the flesh of his enemies, while Maokai is a massive tree-like creature…