The release of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction brought with it a whole host of new characters to choose from. There are a total of five different classes from the original game and an additional two from the expansion.

In this post, we’ll take a look at each of the new classes, as well as the existing ones, and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. We’ll also give some insights into how each character class can be played and some tips on which characters are best for beginners. For more detailed information we recommend checking out a specialized site such as yesgamers.

The Barbarian

The Barbarian is a melee class and is known for being a great tank. He has high HP and can dish out a lot of damage, with his main weapons being axes and clubs. The Barbarian is a skilled melee combatant from Mount Arreat’s steppes and is a master of close-quarters fighting. He’s tough enough to take a lot of punishment and the only member of his class who can dual-wield.

The Barbarian can specialize in several different weapons because of his Combat Masteries, which also passively boost his defense, speed, and resilience. He and his party’s battle effectiveness are greatly increased by his warcries, which also cause status illnesses in foes.

He is also capable of using a number of combat techniques, the majority of which concentrate on using immense force against a single adversary. Some of these techniques also grant him awesome agility, which enables him to leap over chasms and rivers.

The Amazon

The Amazon is a ranged class and is known for her agility and accuracy. She can use a variety of different weapons but is most proficient with bows. The Sisters of the Sightless Eye’s opponent, the Amazon, hails from the Twin Seas islands, which are close to the Great Ocean’s border.

The Amazon is comparable to the Rogue from Diablo; both specialize in using bows and employ strength and magic equally, but the Amazon can also wield javelins and spears. Many of her defensive techniques—including Dodge, Avoid, and Evade—are passive in nature.

The Necromancer

The Necromancer is a magic user and is known for his ability to control the dead. He can use a variety of different spells, and his main weapons are staves and daggers. The priests of the Cult of Rathma from the Eastern forests are necromancers.

This character can raise skeletons, build golems, and resurrect dead creatures to battle alongside him, thanks to his summoning abilities.

The strong poison spells that the Necromancer can cast result in the swiftly depleted life force of affected monsters. Additionally, he possesses “Bone” talents, which do direct damage to opponents while avoiding most resistances. The enemy is also afflicted by crippling status diseases as a result of His Curses, which causes confusion and anarchy among their ranks.

The Paladin

The Paladin is a melee class and is known for his ability to heal and protect his allies. A crusader from the Church of Zakarum, the Paladin fights for the honor of the Light. In the first Diablo, he was a part of the group that overcame King Leoric’s army, although Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, eventually corrupted his Order. He is proficient with a variety of different weapons, but his main weapon is the sword.

The fervent Paladin’s combat abilities range from fanatical strikes to celestial thunderbolts to symbolize his holy nature. He has combat skills, defensive auras, and offensive auras to choose from. His auras can increase damage, deflect magic strikes, or strengthen protection, among other things. Most auras either have an area of effect that includes all party members and allies or all enemies. The only character who can use a shield as a weapon is the Paladin, who is very skilled at using one. The Paladin has unique abilities for destroying the undead.

Paladins are holy warriors. They wield powerful two-handed weapons and can wear the heaviest armor. If you’re looking for a character that is tough as nails, the Paladin is the class for you.

The Sorceress

The Sorceress is a magic user, and is known for her destructive nature. She can use a variety of different spells, and her main weapons are wands and staffs. The Sorceress is a member of a coven of rebellious female witches who stole the knowledge of how to utilize magic from the male-dominated mage clans of the East. She has the ability to use fire, lightning, and ice spells. The majority of these abilities are aggressive in nature and besiege the adversary with all kinds of natural disasters.

The majority of the fire and lightning spells are carryovers from the original Diablo, although the cold spells deal less damage than fire or lightning but can freeze foes solid and overcome resistances. The Sorceress’s Teleport spell enables her to move fast through dungeons and makes her exceedingly tough to attack. It also allows her to go to other locations instantly. The Sorceress’s destructive spells and quick casting speed are her strong features; her protection and comparatively low hit points are her weaknesses.

The Druid

The Druid is a magic user, and is known for his shape-shifting abilities. The Druid may conjure ghosts like will-o’-the-wisps that grant auras similar to those of a Paladin, increase damage, grant health, or return damage to the attacker (much like the Necromancer’s Iron Maiden). One of three vines can also be called forth by the Druid. These can eat corpses to restore the Druid’s life or mana, poison opponents from below, or both.

The magic of the soil and the sky make up the elemental tree. The’storm’ spells feature effects such as Cyclone Armor, which shields the Druid from the elements, and Tornado, which summons a tornado of swirling winds that travels erratically and has a huge damage output. With spells like Fissure and Volcano, the ‘fire’ spells are more grounded than the Sorceress’s. The ultimate Elemental spells are Armageddon and Hurricane, both of which summon a storm that follows the Druid and harms anybody who gets too close.

The Assassin

The assassin is a type of character that belongs to a martial arts-based class. They are from the Viz-Jaq’taar clan that uses claw swords to attack their enemies. They add elemental traps that remain stationary and impact groups of foes to their attacks, such as fire or lightning traps, as well as shadow magic skills.

Her Shadow Disciplines tree has a mix of passive benefits (such Claw Mastery or Weapon Block) and enhancements (like Burst of Speed or Venom), as well as a few spells like Mind Blast that harm, stun, and confound the foe. She can also call forth a Shadow Warrior or Shadow Master, both of which are useful summons with high damage output.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to choosing a character for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, there are a few things to consider but the most important factor is what play style you prefer.

Do you want to be up in the thick of things, dealing out damage with your bare hands? Or would you rather hang back and unleash powerful spells from a distance?

No matter what play style you prefer, there is a character in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction that is perfect for you. So what are you waiting for? Pick your class and jump into the fray!