You’ve been working hard this week. Whether you’re a hardcore salaryman, grinding that 9-5 or an artist trying to finish in a schedule that seems completely impossible to meet, you’ve earned some rest to unwind and forget about the events of the last few days. Unfortunately sometimes, especially after a high-octane week of work, it can be difficult to relax.

“Trying to relax” is in itself an oxymoron, an idea which can unsettle your mood by itself, and a paradox which has haunted the working person for decades. Speaking as someone who finds it hard to switch out of a hard work mindset myself, I understand how lost this can sometimes make you feel when you just want to zone out of one reality and into the comfort of relaxation. Good thing I’m here to help you find your zen and get on with your weekend!


While this can be one of the most uncomfortable words for many people to read, exercise is always going to be a point in any relaxation guide. While the idea of exercise might seem stressful in itself and “relaxing” is one of the last words to spring to mind mid-10K, the effects exercise has on the brain is well documented.

When used by itself or in tandem with any of the methods further down the list, exercise has been shown to release endorphins in the brain and brings a deep relaxing feeling to any muscles which have been stressed during the session.

Even though it might seem like the last thing you want to do immediately after you’ve clocked in your 40 hours, going for a run or a martial arts class before starting your weekend is an extremely efficient way to take your mind away from work and bring your body into the chill-zone.

Do Something Boring

When proposed, this can seem like another counter-intuitive way to chill yourself out, but getting in to some repetitive or dull tasks can help reset your brain immediately after a stressful week. As you finish up at work or are traveling back home, doing something mind-numbing can really ease your mind out of work mode and into relaxation mode.

Repeat some verses in your head, get on Candy Crush or even count backward from 100, any mindless activity can be used as a quick reset switch to your brain. This will never completely relax you, but it is quick and private and can be conducted at any time, setting you up to start the real relaxation.

Ignore Your Inbox

This might seem obvious to a lot of people, but completely phasing yourself out of anything work-related is one of the most important things you can do for your brain when it comes to relaxing after a hard week. Once you’re off the clock, you need to keep your brain away from anything work-related, so close your work emails, turn off your work phone and forget that work exists just for the weekend.

This is the hardest possible thing for me, so I fully understand if this seems ridiculous to you, but your productivity will be greatly decreased if you are always thinking about work. The human brain is not built to withstand constant stress, and the time you spend unwinding outside of work prepares your for the next week to come, so make sure the you time is all you time.

Try Some Cannabinoids

The decades-long demonization of marijuana is finally coming to its natural conclusion in the 21st century, and people everywhere are becoming educated on the numerous legitimate applications of the many substances found in this magical plant.


Thanks to our lord and savior – modern science, we now have widespread access to CBD, the chemical in cannabis which promotes relaxation in the mind and body. This can be an extremely effective way to kickstart your weekly unwind, and to be legally sold as CBD it must contain only trace amounts of marijuana’s psychoactive chemical – THC.

As a result, you can continue on your normal day and even drive while under the effects of some premium 100% pure CBD oil, as its only function is to relax you, without actually changing how your mind and body think and act. Those looking for the instant, hardcore relaxation option can of course opt for a more traditional high THC solution, but I can recommend everyone try some CBD to see if it works!

Turn Off Your Phone

It’s the end of the week. The last thing you need right now is to be reminded of all the drama and nonsense going on in the world outside your head. Especially in the modern age, people spend far too much time using and worrying about social media and the reports from more traditional news media.

To this end, you should try the route a lot of people like myself are trying – completely disconnecting from the social metaverse. Even if you aren’t actively considering it, the state of your internet presence can weigh on people’s minds for a multitude of reasons.

Personally, I limit my social media time to just a few minutes a day, but for most people who spend a lot of time on the blogosphere, taking some time at the end of the week to ignore your phone and appreciate the real world a little can go a long way to de-stressing your mind ready for a weekend of partying or relaxing.