Any company can be easily hacked with the leak of all existing information and financial data. This statement also applies to companies that offer cybersecurity services and are among the top 10 information security companies. A potential threat to information security is a matter of time and damage. For this reason, UnderDefense’s team of experienced cybersecurity professionals has set important goals for protecting your information. It is very important to train all your employees in the basics of information security. This will ensure that the risk of attacks and hacking is minimized. This slows down attackers and prevents them from reaching the heart of your IT infrastructure. It is necessary to react as quickly as possible to hacking incidents and try to track down cybercriminals. This will ensure that you can minimize the damage caused by Internet piracy.

Four main areas of improvement of the company’s information security have been identified:

  • Basic network perimeter protection and remote access;
  • Organization of the most effective access control system;
  • Reduce risks and minimize losses;
  • Monitor cybersecurity system events.

What is information security?

Enterprise information security is a set of useful and most important tools, means, and methods for developing strategies to protect and prevent cyber attacks on corporate data.

Companies cannot fully protect their IT infrastructure and data from the harmful effects of hackers. However, this does not mean that the benefits of information security services offered by UnderDefense should be underestimated. Neglecting the organization’s information security can significantly affect the leakage of important confidential information.

Why do you need cyber protection?

Data breaches and IT infrastructure attacks threaten a company’s budget, image, and future success. The UnderDefense service provides an adequate level of cyber security, and the company’s employees have developed effective protection strategies to prevent and mitigate the impact of various types of risks and threats. The subject of the attack by cyber fraudsters is completely different organizations in terms of scale. Most often, safety is not determined by the degree of danger. Unfortunately, the Internet is full of dangers, but countermeasures do not depend entirely on the extent of the threat, as the strategies and methods of cybercriminals are constantly evolving and changing.

Factors that require constant monitoring of information security

Companies are constantly exposed to cyber threats. Even with the best data protection services, nothing is 100% secure. Attack prevention methods are becoming more and more complex, and there may be system weaknesses. It is necessary to constantly monitor information security to be able to quickly respond to potential cyber threats.

Creation of information security for business

The success of cyber security directly depends on the right information security structure for the business. You can take care of information protection and IT infrastructure yourself or use the services of the UnderDefense service. You have at your disposal all the devices, methods, and tools necessary to ensure a high level of protection of your IT infrastructure and important informational personal data.

Corporate cybersecurity is more than the technical tools used to ensure it

A successful business is always a goal set by entrepreneurs. The satisfaction of having or using a certain product is also a consumer’s goal. Owners’ goals are inspired by ideas for creating or improving their service. The final goal is to ensure the constant growth of product development.

Many companies experience external attacks or internal information security incidents at least once a year. Imagine that hundreds of new malware (and even complex software) are created every second in the world. The black market for virus programs is huge. Small project sites with high demand are easily vulnerable to random DDoS attacks. An unprepared resource becomes unavailable to users due to the influx of new users who decide to try the service to get a good promotional product.

What are the threats?

External threats to your business include: Malware; DDoS attacks; Phishing attacks; Network penetration; Loss of devices on which passwords are stored; The most common internal threats are software vulnerabilities and information leaks due to mistakes made by company employees.

The growing amount of data from new customers being processed, and the growing role of intellectual property in product success, are leading to new forms of identity theft. Competitors are interested in information about the company’s internal processes, employee records, financial information, intellectual property, and information about company bank accounts. Key cybersecurity issues are that companies rarely use reliable anti-virus software or proprietary solutions to protect against DDoS attacks and do not take effective measures to protect personal information and information related to financial transactions. Numerous commercial violations, leaks of personal information data, facts of cyber fraud, numerous disruptions in the work of public services and critical infrastructure, theft of intellectual property, violations of financial security, all this and not only this happens every day, so it is extremely important to ensure an adequate level of cyber protection. Cyber ​​fraudsters target businesses of all sizes and levels.

How do prevent potential cyber threats?

Defense consists of many interrelated parts: hierarchical, legal, design, and specialized measures, as well as cryptographic and specialized data security measures aimed at preventing cyber attacks, recognizing and protecting against digital attacks, eliminating their consequences, restoring reliability, and consistently high-quality. The legal part is mandatory and precedes all stages. Quickly updating your antivirus and blocking suspicious sites on office computers is not enough.

It’s much easier to hack data structures than to make sure they’re secure and up and running. There is no general methodology. It is important to catch the beginning of the attack, direct the investigation and recognize the weaknesses through which the malware spread. Then you can quickly do everything possible to further develop your processes, immediately recognize the signs of digital threats and limit the next cyber events. Organizations need to better understand the potential of today’s cyber-threats, ensuring robust oversight and rapid response plans that go beyond preventing potential risks are critical.

The implementation of effective technical protection against cyber attacks is the result of hard work by cyber security experts and supporters of the symbiosis of effective IT compliance and risk management. If an information security incident has already occurred, UnderDefense staff can conduct the most effective investigation and provide legal safeguards against illegal cyber intrusions.