Cybersecurity refers to the measures, policies, and practices an individual or an organization adopts to protect the technologies, processes, data, and networks from criminal attacks or unauthorized access. Any hacker, spammer, criminal, competitor, or spying agency may carry out these attacks. 

We live in an information age, and many organizations have become cloud-dependent. Everything relies on exchanging information, including businesses, social media, and our banking system. Therefore, it has become crucial for enterprises to implement the best cybersecurity solutions into their information technology infrastructure. 

Why does your enterprise need cybersecurity solutions?

Businesses rely heavily on the exchange of information. From standard emails to using sophisticated ERPs, all the transactions and decision making is being done online. With that, the number of data breaches is rising every year. The global cyber threat is constantly evolving at a rapid pace. The enterprises that collect users’ medical and financial data are the most appealing to cybercriminals. Corporate espionage is another big reason why enterprise networks may be targeted.

The threats that cyber-security may counter in your organization might be categorized as cybercrime, cyberattack, or cyberterrorism. Some standard methods to threaten cyber-security include malware, phishing, SQL injection, DDoS, and man-in-the-middle attack. Some modern cybersecurity threats that were reported by the US, UK, and Australian governments in the years 2019 and 2020 were as follows:

Romance Scams

A romance scam is a type of cybercrime in which criminals use dating sites and chat rooms to receive personal information from users. They later use this personal information for illegal activities and cause financial harm to the user. This scam has been around for more than 2-3 years now, and users must be extremely careful when using such apps or sites. If your platform offers such services, you must ensure that your cybersecurity system is granular enough to deter any potential threat actors. 

Dridex Malware

The U.S. Department of Justice identified this malware. The victims of this malicious campaign included the public, government, and enterprises worldwide. The Dridex financial trojan infected computers mainly through phishing emails and stole the victims’ personal data, passwords, and banking details. This malware has caused losses of hundreds of millions due to fraudulent transactions. The U.K.’s National Cyber Security Centre has instructed the public to update their devices and ensure a reliable anti-virus system is installed. It is also recommended that everyone keeps a backup of their data.

Emotet Malware

This threat was reported in 2019 by the Australian Cyber Security Centre. This is a sophisticated trojan capable of loading malware into the enterprise system and stealing critical data. This malware mainly thrives on simple passwords that are easy to crack. To stay safe from such threats, it is recommended that you keep strong passwords. An ideal password should include alphabets, and numbers, use uppercase and lowercase words and use special characters.

Cybersecurity Solutions for Enterprises

Enterprises may adopt various cybersecurity measures to keep their IT infrastructure safe. This may include implementing Zero Trust architecture, using the principle of least privilege, VPN, focusing on employee awareness, and using IAM solutions. Following are some of the solutions that enterprises may adopt to make their IT infrastructure safe and secure:

  • Critical infrastructure security solutions
  • Application security solutions
  • Network security solutions
  • Cloud security solutions
  • Internet of Things (IoT) security solutions

How can SASE help you?

SASE is an abbreviation for Secure Access Service Edge (SASE). It is a cybersecurity framework that provides robust enterprise network security using Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN). There are many ways in which SASE is different from traditional security approaches. 

Some of the main benefits of SASE include simplicity, improved network reliability, secure cloud access, edge-to-edge security, consistent policy enforcement, network-wide data protection, and not needing traditional VPNs. As you can see, various security and networking technologies are combined into a single cloud-based service.

SASE is built keeping in mind modern cybersecurity needs, including network components, Zero Trust principles, and cloud-native security components. No matter where the users are located, SASE benefits can allow enterprises to create a safe dome around them and take advantage of the system’s flexibility. 

Some challenges you might face in implementing SASE are choosing the correct partner, change management, and cooperation between security professionals and networking.

Components of SASE

To provide a universal cybersecurity solution, the following are the components of SASE that work together:

  • Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)
  • Secure Web Gateway (SWG)
  • Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)
  • Software-defined WAN
  • Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)

Key Takeaways

All enterprises need to have a cybersecurity system in place to keep their data, resources, and users safe from cyberattacks. SASE benefits make network security management more manageable. It can provide enterprises with cost savings, better flexibility, and infrastructure streamlining. 

With concepts like Zero Trust, you can gain the confidence of forward-thinking security. SASE can be invaluable in compliance since it can help you comply with data protection laws. With more and more enterprises adopting the SASE, it is the future model of universal cybersecurity solutions.