One of the most popular video games in the world, FIFA 23, has many people looking for ways to improve their gameplay. If you’re one of those people, look no further – here are essential tips to help improve your game. From shooting to defending and everything in between, we’ve got you covered. Read the entire article to know about the FIFA 23 gameplay tips.

  1. Set tactics and formations:

This is one of the most important things you can do to improve your gameplay. You need to ensure you have the right tactics and formations for your team. If you’re unsure what these are, ask a friend or look them up online. However, once you have them set up, stick to them. Don’t keep changing things around – it’ll only confuse your players and make it harder for you to win.

  1. Keep your backline in shape:

This is especially important in FIFA 23. Ensure your defenders are in the correct positions and they’re not getting too far forward. It’s essential to have a strong backline so that you can stop your opponents from scoring. Besides this, also keep an eye on your goalkeeper. In FIFA 23, the goalkeeper is extremely important and can make or break your game.

  1. Always protect the ball:

Protecting the ball is one of the most important things to remember when playing FIFA 23. This means keeping it close to your body and not giving your opponents any opportunity to steal it away. Use your body to shield the ball from defenders, and always be aware of their position on the field. However, don’t be too paranoid, as this will make it harder to keep the ball under control.

  1. Training is the key to success:

Just like in real life, training is essential if you want to be the best at easports fifa. Many training drills are available online, so find a few that you like and practice them regularly. This will improve your skills and give you the confidence you need to succeed in matches. However, don’t forget that too much training can have a negative effect, so make sure to take breaks between sessions.

  1. Use your team’s strengths:

Another essential tip is to use your team’s strengths to your advantage. Every team in FIFA 23 has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. You must take the time to learn about your team to use their strengths to your advantage.

One way to do this is by looking at the player’s statistics. Each player in FIFA 23 has their own set of statistics that you can view. These statistics will give you an idea of what the player is good at and not so good at.

You can use this information to help you make decisions on the pitch. For example, if you have a striker that is good at shooting, you might want to try and get them in positions where they can shoot. However, if you have a midfielder that isn’t very good at shooting, you might want to avoid putting them in positions where they would have to take a shot.

  1. Use your opponents’ weaknesses:

Just as you should use your team’s strengths to your advantage, you should also be looking to exploit your opponent’s weaknesses. If you know that a particular player is slow or lacks stamina, then make sure to target them when you’re attacking. Similarly, if you know that a defender is prone to making mistakes, then put them under pressure and force them into making errors.

  1. Take advantage of set pieces:

One of the most significant aspects of FIFA 23 gameplay is set pieces. There are many opportunities to score from corners, free-kicks, and penalties. You should make the most of these chances by practicing your technique and spending time in the training mode set-piece section. So, when you get the chance in a fifa 23 world cup mode, you can take full advantage.

  1. Create space for yourself when receiving the ball:

One of the most important things to do when receiving the ball in FIFA 23 is to create space for yourself. This will give you more time on the ball and allow you to make better decisions. There are a few ways to do this, but one of the most effective is to use the ‘body feint’ move. This involves using your body to shield the ball from your opponent and then moving it in the other direction.


Following these tips, you will surely see an improvement in your FIFA 23 gameplay. However, don’t forget that practice makes perfect. So, get out there and start putting these tips into practice today.