When hosting a multiplayer gaming server on any platform or game type if you want people to continue coming to you for their gaming needs you will have to maintain the server to a high standard. There are many different aspects behind the upkeep of most servers so you will have to ensure you are both organized and attentive in…
Video games have gained a reputation of being based on violence and unhealthy competition. Though violent themes have always been at the heart of a lot of the popular games that we have all come to love, it is not fair to say that all games follow this same theme. Another very popular genre of game that we have all…
AFK stands for Away From Keyboard, derived originally from PC gaming whereby the player states that they are busy or have just left their keyboard briefly to do something else. Many mainstream video games such as FIFA, Call of Duty, Apex Legends, League of Legends, and many more have penalties for people who go AFK in games as it ruins…
As we see a huge shift towards fairer working conditions for our many workforces all over the world that put the hours in for many of their companies to provide us with the majority of the services and products that we buy on a daily basis. It seems that some companies are wanting to push this idea further by providing…
It can be difficult to look at the world of gaming and not instantly assume 90% of its participants spent most of their time indoors. But this is an old stereotype. Built-up back when gaming was a fringe hobby that society looked down upon. The classic look of a gamer stuck in a basement, never changing their clothes, and rarely…
Get Your Falcon at the Novint Store Today! The Falcon’s specifications can be found here. See examples of using the Falcon for Simulation & Training, Planning & Analysis, Modeling & Visualization, Telerobotics and Product Marketing here. The Most Immersive Way to Play Video Games For the First Time Bringing Your Sense of Touch to Computing New Experience in Gaming With…
The world of gaming can be extremely congested. Every year hundreds of games are released onto the market, each with the promise of providing exceptional gameplay and an original experience. Unfortunately, games can also be extremely expensive. There is no wonder why, as game development companies spend years perfecting their games with the help of a dedicated team and so…
Machinima was one of the most well-known names in the Youtube gaming community for a huge portion of the platform’s history. Where the current youth have been brought up on reaction videos and PewDiePie wannabes, over a decade ago an entire generation of gamers grew up watching various Machinima videos and channels to get their passive, video-game related fix. …
Everspace 2 is one of the most liked PC games worldwide and has its huge fan base. The game comes up with impressive high-quality graphics and an intense game story that can give you a thrill. Surviving in this game can be difficult if you are unaware of strategies that you should follow. Here in this article, we have listed…
PC games is the new trend of the upcoming year 2021. It is the most preferred type of game that has emerged during recent times due to the great games in this field. So we have jotted down the top ten PC Games that you must try in the year 2021. HadesHades is now lined up on other platforms after…